Wednesday, January 18, 2006

[proper name from your favorite party]

From Reason Express, Vol. 9, No. 3, January 18, 2006:
2. Bush Defense: Clinton Did It
It is the extent of the Bush push that is breathtaking. When Attorney General Alberto Gonzales argues that it is sufficient that the president's Justice Department's has vetted the necessity and propriety of the wiretapping, he is effectively claiming that judicial input is simply not relevant to any matter the president ropes off as involving "national security."

The potential for serious abuse of this standard should be obvious. If not, maybe Bush partisans should imagine Hillary Clinton wielding that power.

You can pretty much replace those proper names with madlib blanks and put in whoever you want. I won't presume to add any more than that. It's just a good thing to keep in mind when thinking about political power.


samrocha said...

Hi nice Blog!

I linked over here on a blog search. I’ve recently posted an article on Hillary Clinton among others; if you’re interested check it out. I’ve enjoyed looking through your archives and would love to establish reciprocal link.

ringloss said...

Oh! I'm desperate for attention, which posts did you like?